Complications & Miscarriages
Pregnancy After Miscarriage

Deciding when to start is entirely up to you and your partner and what feels best. There is no right or wrong way to go. Don’t let others pressure you into trying to have a baby after miscarriage if you aren’t ready. Everyone from your doctor to your mother-in-law will have an opinion, but the only opinion that counts is yours. And that can change from yearning to start right away to never wanting to get pregnant ever again, all within the space of a few minutes!
You may also have people telling you that quickly getting pregnant after miscarriage will relieve your grief. This is not necessarily the case, so trust your instincts.
Besides needing time to get over the loss and recover from topsy-turvy hormones, it could be a good idea to wait for your period to come back. I you don’t, you may experience one of two scenarios, both of which could cause unnecessary pain and anxiety:
- If you quickly get pregnant following miscarriage without having had a period, you won’t have a reliable last menstrual period date. This makes it harder to establish how far along you are, which could lead to confusion and worry over the fetus’s development.
- If you have retained tissue from the miscarriage, you may get a positive pregnancy test but you are not pregnant. The positive result comes from hormones still in your system from your previous pregnancy. You may begin bleeding and cramping and think you are having another miscarriage, but really you are still going through the first one. If you don’t wait the 4 or more weeks for your period to return, you won’t know if a positive pregnancy test means you really are with child again.
If there were medical complications with the pregnancy you should consult your doctor before you start trying to get pregnant following a miscarriage, as you or possibly your partner may need treatment.
How you might feel when pregnant again
Having a miscarriage doesn’t mean you're now at greater risk of having another miscarriage. But of course, it's only natural that you will be worried it will happen again. Fortunately, the odds are overwhelmingly in favor of you getting a healthy baby next time round. Around 85% of women who've had one miscarriage will go on to have a successful pregnancy next time. Around 75% of women who've had 2 or 3 miscarriages will go on to have a successful pregnancy. Understandably, you might not be as happy and excited with your next pregnancy as you may still be feeling broken-hearted about the miscarriage or concerned about losing this one as well. There are several things you can do to make things easier:- Ask that your pregnancy be closely monitored by your pregnancy care provider.
- Ask that the baby shower and other preparations be done after the baby's safe arrival.
- Try not to get upset or annoyed if people are in your ear with advice and suggestions for the new pregnancy. You could politely explain that you are following the advice of your provider. Or, you could quote miscarriage statistics and facts, such as the fact that the vast majority of miscarriages are not caused by something the mother did or didn’t do, and can’t be prevented.
- Remind yourself that a positive pregnancy test means you can be positive about having a baby.
- Remember this experience is different because every pregnancy is different, and no two babies are the same.
- Once the heartbeat shows on an ultrasound, the chance of miscarriage is believed to be just 10%. Once your doctor can hear the heartbeat with a Doppler, usually at around 11 to 12 weeks, the chances of miscarriage reduce to around 5%.
When to see a specialist
Your doctor may refer you to a specialist if you:- Have had two or more miscarriages
- Are over age 35
- Have an illness such as diabetes that may affect your pregnancy
- Have or had fertility problems
The information of this article has been reviewed by nursing experts of the
Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric, & Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN). The content should not substitute medical advice from your personal healthcare provider. Please consult your healthcare provider for recommendations/diagnosis or treatment. For more advice from AWHONN nurses, visit Healthy Mom&Baby at