Activités en famille
5 Fun Games to Play with Your 1-Year-Old

Stacking Blocks
There’s just something about stacking blocks, or really anything that will stack, that entertains baby boy. It’s probably the fact that after he’s done building his tower, he enjoys knocking it down! His big sister has fun playing this game with him – she gets a kick out of building up towers for him to then knock down. Lots of times, though, baby boy keeps himself busy for a good twenty minutes or so simply stacking his own blocks.Puzzles
Though only eighteen months old, baby boy is already a puzzle master! He loves taking them apart and putting them back together over and over again. I love watching him try to figure out how to put the pieces back together and seeing him progress over the weeks. He now has a couple of puzzles he puts together without issue!Where’s the Baby?
My baby boy adores playing this game! It absolutely cracks him up every time we play; we’re guaranteed to get a hearty big-belly-shaking laugh from him. Each time we play, we mix it up a bit. Sometimes we have a traditional peek-a-boo session, other times we alternate saying "Where’s the baby?" and "There he is!" Regardless, any variation of this game will instantly cause baby boy to burst out in laughter.Lift-the-Flap Books
Books are always interesting and fun to look through! Board books are especially great, since I don’t have to worry about baby boy ripping up the pages. Lift-the-flap books are super fun because he gets to continuously open the flap, peek inside, close it, and repeat the process. He loves this peek-a-boo-themed book, Who is It? with fun Disney characters!Dancing
Music is a huge part of a baby’s life, isn’t it? From birth, or even from the womb, babies hear music as parents sing to them or play soft lullabies. It’s no surprise then that music will almost always make a baby dance! My baby boy is definitely a dancing machine and will find the rhythm in almost anything – even the shopping cart wheels as we stroll through a store! Because of that, dancing is one of our favorite ways to play. We simply put on some music and have our own living room dance party.
By: Melanie Edwards