Cuidado de niños pequeños

Toddler Care: Your 27 Month Old Toddler

2 min. Read
You’ll have a busy month ahead of you as your toddler builds on all their social, emotional, and physical skills. Some days you’re likely to feel frustrated with them, and other days you’ll be simply delighted. Just like everyone else, toddlers can have good and bad days. The problem is that they aren’t very good at keeping the bad ones to themselves. Frustration fuels a lot of tantrums for 2-year-olds, who aren’t always able to communicate what they want to the people around them.

Many parents try their best to avoid tantrums from happening, but there is a point at which distraction is no longer effective. One tactic is to reinforce good behavior by catching the child when they are playing appropriately and praising those behaviors. Children tend to keep repeating behaviors, whether appropriate or not, that get their parents' attention, or gets them what they want. If they are demanding something they cannot have, it’s OK—and often essential—to stand firm. Regardless of the reason for the tantrum, keep yourself calm, loving, and firm with your boundaries and rules.

Growth and development at 27 months old 

Your toddler will be expanding their range of words and expressions now and should be able to say around 50 words or more. They will start stringing 4 to 5 words together in a sentence, using plurals correctly, and will be able to follow simple instructions. If you ask your toddler to go and get something for you, they are likely to get it right. They will also be able to tell you what they did, and even fill you in on what happened along the way. The speech and language centers in your toddler’s brain are absorbing so much information now; make sure their home environment is rich with language. If you find them making a mistake when they’re talking, you don’t need to correct them. This can influence future attempts. What has been proven to be more successful is for parents to say the correct word or phrase back to the child in a clear voice without any criticism. Then offer lots of praise when the child tries and gets it right. There’ll be lots of hand washing and drying this month, especially if your toddler has been toilet trained and has been practicing. Make sure they can access the sink but keep an eye on them. Water play is wonderfully enticing and can be too much of a temptation to resist. Point out to your toddler which towel is theirs, but don’t expect them to care much. Near enough is good enough for toddlers: if they see, they want. What is yours is theirs and what’s theirs is theirs, too! They see no point in sharing or making sacrifices for the sake of others and their feelings. That’s why staring at someone who has a different appearance is common. Pointing and asking why someone is different may make parents feel awkward and uncomfortable, but your 27-month-old has an insatiable curiosity and will pester you until they are satisfied with your answer.

Play and interaction at 27 months old

Keep the building blocks out this month. Your toddler might be able to build a tower of 8 or more blocks stacked on top of each other. Stacking and then knocking blocks over can occupy toddlers for hours. Make sure they have a range of bright primary-colored toys to play with. Different textures and mediums will appeal to them now and they will be able to differentiate between them. Your toddler may develop a close attachment to a special toy or blanket and insist on having it with them when they go to sleep. This is entirely normal and age-appropriate. No matter how devoted your child is to their transitional object, it can in no way replace you on the totem pole of their affection. Some children are more tactile than others and will rub or stroke a toy across their top lip, especially when they are tired or sad. Some parents worry that thumb sucking, finger sucking, or becoming attached to a special toy is a sign of their toddler being overly emotional and weak. Young children develop emotional attachments for all sorts of reasons and there is generally no cause for concern.

What you can expect at 27 months old

Cries of “mama” and “dada” or anyone else in the family will echo through the house this month, especially when your toddler is looking for you. Sometimes they will sound quite frantic because they’ll have something they want to show you right away. Try to share in their enthusiasm even if you don’t think what they have is all that exciting. For 2-year-olds, the world is a constantly fascinating and wondrous place. Remember, they are often seeing things for the first time. Not wanting to be restrained in any way, shape, or form can cause conflicts between toddlers and their parents. Unfortunately for them, being strapped into the car seat, shopping cart, and strollers is a fact of life. By this age, many toddlers have learned what’s involved in unbuckling themselves. This means that parents need to build a repertoire of responses to deal with this. Simple reward systems work well. You may also choose to not start the car until buckles and straps are secured. If your toddler learns that throwing a tantrum and protesting gets them what they want, this behavior is quickly reinforced. Some aggression can show itself this month since toddlers have yet to learn about social niceties and have not yet mastered self-control. Kicking, punching, biting, and shoving are all common physical responses to frustrating situations. This means there could be some awkward situations between other parents as you try to advocate for your own child and show the right degree of empathy for theirs. Remember that toddler behavior often stems from the immature, primitive parts of the brain. They have yet to develop higher reasoning centers that generate socially acceptable behavior.

Food and nutrition at 27 months old

Don’t fret if your toddler doesn’t want to eat much this month. They will eat when they are hungry. They will be very busy just playing, and any period where they are expected to sit still becomes a major imposition. Protein-filled foods will keep them full, so if you find they’re prone to snacking and lingering by the fridge, make sure their meals are nutritionally sound. Chicken, eggs, beef, pork, fish, and cheese are all good protein sources. Encourage your toddler to chew their food. Their large molars will erupt if they haven’t already. These teeth are specifically designed to chew and grind up their food prior to swallowing. If your toddler is still drinking from a bottle, now is the time to stop. Bottles filled with milk or juice can lead to tooth decay. There is a range of toddler cups with different types of spouts available, although most toddlers are capable of drinking proficiently from an ordinary cup. Set a good example by drinking plain water rather than soft drinks or large amounts of caffeine or alcohol.

Keeping your toddler healthy at 27 months old

Don’t be too protective when it comes to exposing your toddler to the outside world. Their immune system will work most effectively if it is primed to respond to organisms they are exposed to in common, everyday life. There is only so much that immunizations, handwashing, and minimizing exposure to sick people can do for them. Optimizing their immune system is always a worthwhile endeavor. Adequate sleep, good nutrition, rest, exercise, and having a happy family life will all help your toddler’s immune system function at its peak. When your little one is sick, your patience and compassion is vital. Research has shown that children whose parents demonstrate genuine caring behaviors and empathy are in the best possible position to develop good mental health. Feeling things with your toddler and doing what you can to make them comfortable is important, both physically and mentally. Even though it sounds premature, they are learning what is involved in parenting at this early age. Nothing is wasted on your toddler, especially love and kindness.

General tips

  • If you don’t have a pet, consider if now may be the time to get one. Your little one will learn about respecting animals and what is involved in caring for them by watching you. Gentle handling, feeding, exercise, and play are all important concepts to learn.
  • Have a date night out with your partner and focus on your relationship. One of the most positive things you can do for your toddler is to have a solid, loving relationship with your partner. Couples who are united and share in their children’s care tend to recover more quickly from adversity and gain more pleasure from family activities.
  • Do some form of exercise every day and involve your toddler. A simple walk around the block, an outing to a museum, or even a bike ride are all great ways to exercise and connect as a family.
  • If you have a phobia about spiders and other creepy crawlers, try to hide this from your toddler. Research has shown that children don’t have a natural fear of wildlife but tend to develop it because of observing their parents’ responses.
The information of this article has been reviewed by nursing experts of the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric, & Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN). The content should not substitute medical advice from your personal healthcare provider. Please consult your healthcare provider for recommendations/diagnosis or treatment. For more advice from AWHONN nurses, visit Healthy Mom&Baby at