Let that personality shine, baby.
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What’s Your Baby’s Personality?

Babies are their own little persons! And whether they’re smiling at the world or hiding behind your leg, one thing stays true: You want to support them. We break down four common personality types, plus ways to help each one grow.

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Let’s figure your baby out!

Some babies fit neatly in a single personality type, and others are blends.


Mild Child

Your baby is generally happy, calm, and easygoing. “Go with the flow” is her motto! She’s typically a breeze to take care of, has consistent eating and sleeping habits, and takes a LOT to get upset. She might not show much reaction to strangers or new environments right away—as long as you’re good with the situation, so is she!

Tip:It can be hard to tell what easygoing babies want, since they may not give a preference or show strong emotions. So be sure to ask and pay attention! They can point or grab at items, even if they’re not talking much yet.

Timid Tyke

Your baby takes time warming up to new things—which is basically everything. Whenever there’s a new person to meet or new daycare to explore, she’ll “nope” herself right into your arms. She’s also probably a BIG fan of routines, since knowing what to expect next takes some of the scariness out of a situation.

Tip: Timid babies need additional prep and support when you’re adding new people or situations to their world. Stay close by at first, and gently encourage them to explore on their own.

Drama Kid

Your baby was made for the stage! He’s naturally the center of attention, taking over your dinner party with an impromptu dance or a long, babbling speech. He often escapes into his own world of play without needing much supervision—until he’s ready for an audience, of course!

Tip: Nurture their creativity by playing along. Read stories together and act them out, ideally with family or friends around to watch. Use plush toys to complete his cast of characters or create an audience.

Little Explorer

Your baby can’t just look at stuff—he’s gotta experience it, too! He’s curious, squirmy, and probably a bit feisty. It’s not unusual for highly active babies to have irregular sleeping and eating habits, so he may throw your attempts at routine out the window.

Tip: Little explorers have a lot of energy to burn off, so pile on the active play! And let them make choices for themselves whenever possible: It helps scratch their itch for independence.

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