Toddlers (12+ mo)

Toddlers are ready to explore the world and at times it can be a real handful. Huggies is here to help you understand and navigate the toddler years, from recipes to tempt fussy palates, to explanations for their sometimes baffling social behavior, plus help with milestones like toilet training.

Feeding & Nutrition

Ensuring your little one gets essential vitamins and finding foods they'll eat are just a couple of things we can help with during the toddler years.

Parenting Tips

With toddlers, little personalities start coming out in big ways. From naps to time-outs, learn ways to meet your growing child's needs. We've got tips and advice to help along the way.

Potty Training

Is your little one ready for the big seat? Huggies has you covered with fun tips and activities as you leave diapers and begin potty training.

Toddler Care

The toddler stage is when little ones really start to show their individuality, so while there is no true guide to toddler care and development, we'll help as much as we can with tips and info about how your toddler is developing.

Toddler Development

Learn about the many stages of toddler development. Get tips and advice on everything from nutrition and social development, to timeouts and play dates.